Monday, September 4, 2017

SD241709.03, Ambassador's Log, Gul Noral Vorna


With the last of the celebratory observances complete, Vorna and Mierna made their way to the embassy's transporter room for the trip up to the Rilna.  Their provisions - along with a small, loyal detachment of security staff that had served the ambassador for nearly a decade - were already aboard, awaiting their arrival.  With the bulk of the embassy's staff sleeping off the effects of the grandest of the gatherings, the echoes of the pair's footfalls reverberated down the empty corridor.

"My Gul," Mierna began, "if I may be so bold..."

Vorna's derisive scoff dripped with the shared experiences of over a decade, warranting little more than a glance at his chief of security.  "An intriguing time to start asking permission."

The younger woman suppressed a scowl at the response and continued.  "Given the apparent clandestine nature of this operation, is it truly wise to travel via warship?  Try as we might, traipsing across the frontier in a Galor class battleship will undoubtedly draw undue attention."

"Undoubtedly.  However, word of our intent was transmitted to our contact over a week ago.  We have been assured the necessary travel documents - as well as an escort - once we cross the border."

"How reassuring."

"I thought so."  Vorna paused as they came to the entrance to the transporter room and turned to face Mierna.  "There are very few instances in modernity in which the presence - any presence - of our government, much less race, is requested.  We cannot ignore any such opportunity.  You must have faith."

"Faith?" Mierna sardonically replied, her face wrought with disdain.  "I would much rather rely on planning and execution."

"As would I.  However at this point in my life I am finding myself taking what I can get."  He walked into the transporter room and stepped onto the pad with Mierna in tow.

<|> Bridge, CDS Rilna <|>

The command deck of the Rilna bustled with activity as the vessel prepared for departure.  On the elevated command platform, Gul Alira Torin sat upon her throne, observing the final preparations.  A former chief of security under her grandfather - Gul Brevan Vorna - the resolute officer had made her way up the ranks until she had become master of her own vessel.  The instincts that had led her to success as a security chief now urged caution in the face of her new, somewhat vague orders from the Central Command.

The officer at the operations console tapped an acknowledgement from the transporter room and glanced towards Torin.  "My Gul, transport complete.  The last of our passengers are aboard."

"Finally," Torin replied, and adjusted in her seat as the doors at the rear of the compartment opened to reveal Vorna and Mierna.  "Maybe we can finally learn our destination."

Vorna clasped his hands behind his back as he took in the scene.  He could not remember the last time he had set foot upon it, and yet the vessel was virtually unchanged.  The ambassador purposefully strode towards the command platform.  "In time.  For now, set course for Cardassia Prime and prepare to break orbit."

Torin's instinctive ire at the orders emanating from behind her gave way to confusion as she processed the voice relaying them.  "Uncle?"

<|> To Be Continued <|>

Gul Noral Vorna
Cardassian Ambassador
Klysteri Combine

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