Monday, September 4, 2017

SD 241709.01 POV Log - Gamma Quadrant Operative, Yanus Makos

For the last week or so, Yanus Makos had been monitoring the movements of his people in and out of Brax and Stakoros. There had been a few hiccups; hiccups were often fatal.  Such fatalities were within acceptable limits and rarely caused even a ripple in his plans. He quickly got control of his thoughts and turned his attention to the man who sat across from him.  Yanus Makos was no fool, although at the moment his 'guest' thought he was and he played that role to the hilt.  Yanus knew how to make a profit from his unique ability. Anyone eaves dropping would hear only two men making a deal. Only Yanus knew the real reason for this meeting but there wasn't any way for anyone else to find out otherwise. There were even moments where he took on a side project just for the sheer pleasure of the 'game.' His eyes were flat and dull and betrayed no hint of the intelligence behind them. Asramani was shrewd and without scruples. He was in the bar on the premise of meeting a contact that might have means to generate both of them a profit. As any good Ferengii would attest, one never missed a moment to earn a few extra bars of latinum even if the risk was great. The difference between the two men was that Asramani betrayed his eagerness. In that moment, Yanus knew he had him hooked.
"You say this Mizianite is valuable?" asked Asramani.
 With a slightly slack jaw and a lisp, Yanus replied "Quite. It's light but stwong and makthss a good armor plating for those reptilian Martian hybrids near the Gorn hegemony."
 Asramani's face broke into a broad grin. "And you say you have how much?"
 "Theveral cwates in my cargo hold" replied Yanus. "We can split the profits."
 Asramani quickly lost the smile and his eyes narrowed. "How much?"
 Yanus made some pretense of rummaging through his pockets and pulled out a smudged piece of paper and looked at it and then slid it over. In that moment, his whole expression changed. Gone was the vacant look and in its place was one of calculated brutality, for at the bottom of the paper was an unmistakable symbol – the Ω. Asramani's eyes grew wide. There was no backing out and he knew it. He swallowed hard. "You're good...very good."
 Yanus shrugged. "It earns me a living" he said casually. "What do you want me to do?" asked Asramani calmly. There was no use in continuing to bargain. He knew he'd walked right into a trap and his life now stood in peril. "I want you to take the Mizianite just like we'd discussed" replied Yanus. "It needs to be delivered to these coordinates" he continued as he slid a PADD over. "You'll be met by a Gorn ship, the Skaldak. Make the drop and then go anywhere but back here."
 Asaramani sighed. "There's no profit in this is there?"
Yanus had pushed himself up from the table and was preparing to walk away when Asaramani's question caused him to turn and look. With steely resolve he replied, "I would say your profit is beyond measure Asaramani. You get to live."

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