Monday, September 4, 2017

SD 241709.04 POV Log - Delta Quadrant, the Dedestris Homeworld.

~~~~ Delta Quadrant – Dedestris  (Planet in the Delta Quadrant)~~~~~~


The main square of the provincial little village was normally bustling with cheerful voices, laughter and the constant hum of bartering. If one listened intently enough you could hear the smith's beating of metal, the whirring of a potter's wheel and the faint strokes of brush on canvass. The central square sprang to life in the dying light of the sun and the serenity of a rising moon. Daylight meant work and heat; moonlight offered a reprieve where one could exhibit his or her own works of art and not suffocate in the heat. You could smell delicacies from all 4 quadrants of known space and people from all walks of life, of space, mingled about. Security on Dedestris was quietly, resolutely a deterrent from hot tempers and fisticuffs –and all but unnoticed until such tempers flared.  Tonight was no different . . .life was moving along as it was usual for this quaint little square –but then, the music stopped, the potter's hand slipped and the barely formed cup collapsed, the cerulean blue paint meant to be a faint wisp turned into a dollop of paint marring an otherwise serene landscape – the howl of anguish was so painful that everyone stopped...the guards ran toward the disturbance and found the elderly man on his knees in the midst of the garden. The garden should have had row upon row of delicately blooming Dedestriai, the plant from which much of the wealth of Dedestris was derived. The delicate flower could not withstand the heat of day and bloomed only in the pale light of the moon. Harvesting season would soon be upon them; the sight they all beheld though, was one of stunned disbelief and horror. The elderly man's anguish was clear. Scattered at his feet were wilting blooms – unopened blooms and weary looking plants that lacked their usual vibrant greenness.


Murmurs of "how...." and "what happened..." and "Who would do such a thing..." began to rise like a tidal wave of panic in the gathering crowd. The elder on his knees seemed incapable of telling them anything. "Excuse me....let me through...." said the young man as he pushed his way through the dense crowd. "Let me through" he said through clenched teeth and growing irritation. Eventually the crowd made way and he made his way to the elderly man's side. He motioned another who'd followed close behind. "Take Mekeal to his room. A physician is waiting there." The other inclined his head and with such delicacy, lifted the old man in his arms and disappeared in the throng.  The young man turned and looked at the crowd that had come to see. . .what? He looked around and saw the weeping flowers, dropping their blooms in the pale moonlight rather than majestically raising them in homage. The normally sweet perfume the filled the night air and drifted on the breeze smelled sickly sweet instead, wrinkling the nose as if it had been befouled.  He cleared his throat. "There's nothing to see here, now. Mekeal is an old man."


"What happened here?" came a voice from the crowd.


The young man shook his head. "I don't know. We won't know until we investigate further. I suggest you go home or go back to whatever it was you were doing."


"This is the 2nd or 3rd garden we have seen this . . ." came yet another voice from the murmuring crowd.  "You say you don't know? Is it a disease?  It must be a disease. . ." and as panic is want to do, the crowd's voices grew more intense until at last the young man in the center made a gesture which brought in the guards which heretofore had been all but invisible. The security officers began to move the crowd about, forcefully dispersing them before they could go grow out of hand. The concern that showed on their faces mirrored his own.  As if on cue, his forensic team moved in and began collecting the fallen flowers. He wasn't sure he needed their information and he had a feeling he was going to learn the same thing that he'd learned on the previous 2 occasions such as this. . . no disease, no chemical. The only thing out of the ordinary was a slightly higher than normal temperature a 1.5 degrees warmer than normal for this time of year. If the plants had been in the greenhouses, he could see how that would be an issue – but these plants were in the public  gardens. As yet, the major fields of production had seen no such losses. Still, if he and his team couldn't get to the bottom of things, the economics on Dedestris could easily be imperiled...could they survive if this loss began to spill over into the larger farm fields? He didn't know. He knew that the powers that be to whom he answered wanted answers yesterday, answers to what he did not know. He wasn't even sure he knew what the question was. All he knew was that this was the third public garden in the last 2 weeks that had been tampered with. It was his job to get to the bottom of it.   If this continued, the entire planet would be at risk. The plant that lay dying around his feet were the bread and butter of economic stability for the planet.  If the plants started dying before they bloomed or before the blooms could be harvested, it wouldn't be only the plants that would die. Hunger could  kill the weak and the vulnerable . . .he didn't even want to think of what the impact of these dead flowers. It was too horrific to even contemplate as possible. He shook his head and looked at his team. "Finish collecting everything you can. Leave nothing to chance. If it looks suspicious, take it. If it doesn't look suspicious, take it too. I don't have to stress to you how important it is to forestall panic and find answers." His sergeant shook her head. "I'll keep an eye on things here and we'll station a round the clock surveillance." The young man nodded. "Good. Be ready to debrief at 0900 hours tomorrow."  The sergeant nodded. "Yes, sir." The young man watched for a moment and then strode over to the waiting vehicle, scooted inside and called to the driver "Take me to station." The engine purred to life in silence and moments later deposited him in front of the forensics' lab. He climbed up the steps, swiped himself in and disappeared behind the frosted glass doors.

SD241709.03, Ambassador's Log, Gul Noral Vorna


With the last of the celebratory observances complete, Vorna and Mierna made their way to the embassy's transporter room for the trip up to the Rilna.  Their provisions - along with a small, loyal detachment of security staff that had served the ambassador for nearly a decade - were already aboard, awaiting their arrival.  With the bulk of the embassy's staff sleeping off the effects of the grandest of the gatherings, the echoes of the pair's footfalls reverberated down the empty corridor.

"My Gul," Mierna began, "if I may be so bold..."

Vorna's derisive scoff dripped with the shared experiences of over a decade, warranting little more than a glance at his chief of security.  "An intriguing time to start asking permission."

The younger woman suppressed a scowl at the response and continued.  "Given the apparent clandestine nature of this operation, is it truly wise to travel via warship?  Try as we might, traipsing across the frontier in a Galor class battleship will undoubtedly draw undue attention."

"Undoubtedly.  However, word of our intent was transmitted to our contact over a week ago.  We have been assured the necessary travel documents - as well as an escort - once we cross the border."

"How reassuring."

"I thought so."  Vorna paused as they came to the entrance to the transporter room and turned to face Mierna.  "There are very few instances in modernity in which the presence - any presence - of our government, much less race, is requested.  We cannot ignore any such opportunity.  You must have faith."

"Faith?" Mierna sardonically replied, her face wrought with disdain.  "I would much rather rely on planning and execution."

"As would I.  However at this point in my life I am finding myself taking what I can get."  He walked into the transporter room and stepped onto the pad with Mierna in tow.

<|> Bridge, CDS Rilna <|>

The command deck of the Rilna bustled with activity as the vessel prepared for departure.  On the elevated command platform, Gul Alira Torin sat upon her throne, observing the final preparations.  A former chief of security under her grandfather - Gul Brevan Vorna - the resolute officer had made her way up the ranks until she had become master of her own vessel.  The instincts that had led her to success as a security chief now urged caution in the face of her new, somewhat vague orders from the Central Command.

The officer at the operations console tapped an acknowledgement from the transporter room and glanced towards Torin.  "My Gul, transport complete.  The last of our passengers are aboard."

"Finally," Torin replied, and adjusted in her seat as the doors at the rear of the compartment opened to reveal Vorna and Mierna.  "Maybe we can finally learn our destination."

Vorna clasped his hands behind his back as he took in the scene.  He could not remember the last time he had set foot upon it, and yet the vessel was virtually unchanged.  The ambassador purposefully strode towards the command platform.  "In time.  For now, set course for Cardassia Prime and prepare to break orbit."

Torin's instinctive ire at the orders emanating from behind her gave way to confusion as she processed the voice relaying them.  "Uncle?"

<|> To Be Continued <|>

Gul Noral Vorna
Cardassian Ambassador
Klysteri Combine

SD 241709.01 POV Log - Gamma Quadrant Operative, Yanus Makos

For the last week or so, Yanus Makos had been monitoring the movements of his people in and out of Brax and Stakoros. There had been a few hiccups; hiccups were often fatal.  Such fatalities were within acceptable limits and rarely caused even a ripple in his plans. He quickly got control of his thoughts and turned his attention to the man who sat across from him.  Yanus Makos was no fool, although at the moment his 'guest' thought he was and he played that role to the hilt.  Yanus knew how to make a profit from his unique ability. Anyone eaves dropping would hear only two men making a deal. Only Yanus knew the real reason for this meeting but there wasn't any way for anyone else to find out otherwise. There were even moments where he took on a side project just for the sheer pleasure of the 'game.' His eyes were flat and dull and betrayed no hint of the intelligence behind them. Asramani was shrewd and without scruples. He was in the bar on the premise of meeting a contact that might have means to generate both of them a profit. As any good Ferengii would attest, one never missed a moment to earn a few extra bars of latinum even if the risk was great. The difference between the two men was that Asramani betrayed his eagerness. In that moment, Yanus knew he had him hooked.
"You say this Mizianite is valuable?" asked Asramani.
 With a slightly slack jaw and a lisp, Yanus replied "Quite. It's light but stwong and makthss a good armor plating for those reptilian Martian hybrids near the Gorn hegemony."
 Asramani's face broke into a broad grin. "And you say you have how much?"
 "Theveral cwates in my cargo hold" replied Yanus. "We can split the profits."
 Asramani quickly lost the smile and his eyes narrowed. "How much?"
 Yanus made some pretense of rummaging through his pockets and pulled out a smudged piece of paper and looked at it and then slid it over. In that moment, his whole expression changed. Gone was the vacant look and in its place was one of calculated brutality, for at the bottom of the paper was an unmistakable symbol – the Ω. Asramani's eyes grew wide. There was no backing out and he knew it. He swallowed hard. "You're good...very good."
 Yanus shrugged. "It earns me a living" he said casually. "What do you want me to do?" asked Asramani calmly. There was no use in continuing to bargain. He knew he'd walked right into a trap and his life now stood in peril. "I want you to take the Mizianite just like we'd discussed" replied Yanus. "It needs to be delivered to these coordinates" he continued as he slid a PADD over. "You'll be met by a Gorn ship, the Skaldak. Make the drop and then go anywhere but back here."
 Asaramani sighed. "There's no profit in this is there?"
Yanus had pushed himself up from the table and was preparing to walk away when Asaramani's question caused him to turn and look. With steely resolve he replied, "I would say your profit is beyond measure Asaramani. You get to live."

Fwd: [] SIM Report for the week ending August 27, 2017

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: [] SIM Report for the week ending August 27, 2017
Date: August 31, 2017 at 2:18:05 PM CDT

         /\              _______________________________________
        /  \            /         Starbase Versailles           \
  _____/ /\ \_____     /                                         \
 / __ / /__\ \_   \   /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
/ /_ / /_/\_\ \ _\ \  |        5th Fleet (The Fightin' 5th)         |
\___/ / / \ \ \___/   |   STARFLEET, UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS   |
    \ \/ /\ \/ /     \  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   /
     \  /  \  /       \             SIM Report(s)                 /
      \/ \/ \/         \    Week 01 - 21 Aug thru 27 Aug 2017    /

Note: Best viewed in Courier New, font size 10, full screen

=/\= CONTENTS =/\=
1. Command Address/ Plot Summary/ Plot Goals
2. Personnel Information
3. Crew Roster & Log Count
1. =/\= Starbase Versailles Command Address =/\=

=/\= OOC Address =/\=
And so begins our new adventure ... everyone at this point should be able to access the NOVA site. If not, please contact Cery, Hailey or Skippy!

The NOVA site URL is

The URL for the simlist is

If you haven't already created your character's biography on NOVA .. please do so at your earliest convenience.

=/\= IC Status =/\=
Jakob continues to assist in Diendre's rehibilitation .. albiet inside the remnants of a cargo bay. Meanwhile, Alissa Soran visits her sister, Col Jaxa
to find out about her cryptic message - only for things to become more cryptic. Onboard the SSS Vale, Kate Nixon swoops in and picks up a prisoner from the
USS Alcatraz .. why is still unknown. Sails falls out of a wall panel almost landing on the mechanic of the CVS Prima Vista but through apologies and minty gum
manages to score some work. Meanwhile, the Co of the CVS Prima Vista pays a visit to Capt Konuha to "check-in" and be explained the workings of the Starbase
and general rules and regulatiosn for Courier services.

B.Gen Kyrie Joseph and Maj Akume Valriss bump into Cerywyn - quite literaly - and talk about OMEGA and all it's meaning. Cery suggests they meet up with
the Marine detachment CO Col Axia and also gives them orders to travel to the Gamma Quadrant to aid the Timmis if needed. Lter, Cery runs into the new CTAC
LtCmdr T'Khev on the Promenade. The two exchange plesantries as Cerywyn give the new Romulan officer a little of the station's history.

Cmdr Dawes has a departmental briefing giving the news of the promotions to T'Lar and then turns the meeting over to her as she is summoned to Hailey's office.

Hailey, meanwhile, is trying to get some lunch before her meeting with Dawes, Cain, Williams and Tambrey. She runs into Col Axia and introduces her to the
delights of the Toothless Targh. The two talk well into thier lunch and begin to form a friendship.

=/\= New Arrivals =/\=

Lt Col. Kate Nixon,
SSS Operative

Invidia Dechambou
Chief Officer, CVS Prima Vista

B.Gen Kyrie Joseph,
SSS Operative

Maj Akume Valtriss
Marine Detachment

=/\= Academy & Awards =/\=

=/\= Promotions =/\=

=/\= Removed / Resigned / ELOA =/\=   None

3. =/\= CREW ROSTER & LOG COUNT =/\=
Please note week ends Monday's, Midnight US - CST

| COMMAND                           |8/27|9/01|9/10|9/17|9/24| T  |
| CO   | FAdm   | Cerywyn           |  3 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 03 |
| XO   | Capt   | Hailey Konuha     |  2 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 02 |
| StOps| Capt   | Karl Williams     |  0 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 00 |
| WnCO | Capt   | Alissa Soran      |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 01 |
| SECURITY                                                        |
| CSEC | Capt.  | Karli Cain        |  0 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 00 |
| CTAC | Lt.Cmdr| T'Khev            |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 02 |
| ENGINEERING                                                     |
| CEO  | Cmdr.  | Rebecca Dawes     |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 01 |
| AEO  | Open   |                   |  - | -  |  - |  - | -  | -- |
| MEDICAL                                                         |
| CMO  | Capt.  | Skylar Tambrey    |  0 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 00 |
| AMO  | Lt.    | Avril Engstrom    |  0 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 00 |
| SCIENCE                                                         |
| CSCI | OPEN   |             |     |  - | -  |  - |  - | -  | -- |
| ASCI | Cmdr.  | J. Barbacane|     |  0 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 00 |
| MARINE DETACHMENT                                               |
| MEUCO| Col.   | Iru Aixa|         |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 01 |
| MEU  | Maj.   | Akume Valtriss|   |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 01 |
| STARFLEET CLANDESTINE OPERATIONS                                |
| SSSCO| Lt.Col.| Kate Nixon|       |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 01 |
| SSSCO| B.Gen. | Kyrie Joseph|     |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 01 |
| IXLCO| Adm    |  Korin|           |  0 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 00 |
| CIVILIANS                                                       |
| Handyman      |Sails-at-Dawn|     |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 01 |
| Contractor    |Jakob Dean|        |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 01 |
| CO CVS Prima  |Invidia Dechambou| |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 01 |
| Mech CVS Prima|Gaige|             |  1 | -  |  - |  - | -  | 01 |

| Total Crew                        | 16 | -  |  - |  - | -  | -- |

| E = Excused | R = Resigned | NPC Logs are count with primary char
| L = Leave of absence | - = Not applicable |
=/\= END OF REPORT =/\=
Admiral Cerywyn, SB Versailles, CO/ YaDalla Sector CO
Commander Hailey Konuha, SB Versailles XO/ YaDalla Sector XO
Cmdr Karl Williams, SB Versailles, 2nd O/ STOPS